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    Apropos de WASSELTAOUSSI10

    • wasseltaoussi10 vedio editor Évaluation 0
    • Graphic Design
    • Montage vidéos

    Vue d'ensemble

    $-Services Offered:

    1-Video Editing: Seamlessly weaving together footage, audio, and graphics to create visually stunning and cohesive videos.

    2-Color Grading: Enhancing the visual aesthetics of videos through professional color grading techniques, ensuring a consistent and appealing look.

    3-Audio Enhancement: Optimizing audio quality, adding background music, sound effects, and voiceovers to enhance the overall audiovisual experience.

    4-Motion Graphics: Integrating dynamic motion graphics and visual effects to add depth and engagement to videos.


    • Prix par heure 200DH/h
    • Évaluation
    • Experience: 5 années
    • Projets travaillés : 0
    • Total gagné: 0DH
    • Ville Tetouan